
Setting up rblsmtpd

NB: you can skip this page if you decided to use qmail-dnsbl instead   Info: http://www.fehcom.de/ipnet/ucspi-tcp6/rblsmtpd.html Greetdelay patch by Erwin Hoffmann: http://www.fehcom.de/qmail/qmail.html##greetdelay A Realtime Block List (RBL) is a list of addresses that an RBL list supplier believes are a source of Spam.rblsmtpd blocks mail from RBL-listed...


The qmail-taps-extended patch by Inter7 (extension by Michai Secasiu) provides the ability to save each email which flows through the system. You could decide to log only the messages which have the From or To address set to a local account. You just have...


Info: http://ezmlm.untroubled.org Download ezmlm-idx-7.2.2 (local copy) ezmlm is an easy-to-use, high-speed mailing list manager for qmail. ezmlm-idx is an extension of the original ezmlm software of D.J. Bernstein. Since version 7.2.0 ezml-idx is able to alter the From: address in messages from domains with...

Greetdelay for qmail

Download here Author of the patch: John Simpson (?) I replaced the original greetdelay by Erwin Hoffmann with the patch by John Simpson. Now communications trying to send commands before the greeting will be closed provided that you declare DROP_PRE_GREET; premature disconnections will...

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