Migrating spamassassin to version 4.0
Upgrade notes SA v. 4 docs Install spamassassin v. 4 SA v.4 DMARC plugin requires Mail::DMARC::PurePerl, while DecodeShortURLs requires DBD::SQLite (or DBD::MariaDB or DBD::mysql), so it's better to install them before the upgrade: perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> force notest install Mail::DMARC::PurePerl DBD::SQLite cpan> quit Stop qmail and...
Roundcube plugins
Official repository: http://plugins.roundcube.net/ Changelog Dec 31, 2024the default driver for the password plugin is now sql, as vpopmaild doesn't work when SHA-512 passwords have been enabled on vpopmail (--disable-sha512-passwords). All SQL queries have been updated. My enabled plugins are (at the moment): Password, to change...
Roundcube webmail
May 19, 2024: Roundcube webmail 1.6.7 security fix. It is sufficient to update Roundcube to the latest version. Info: https://roundcube.net Version: 1.6.9 Roundcube is a full featured webmail with a nice interface. Changelog Sep 7, 2024RC update to v. 1.6.9 May 19, 2024RC update to v. 1.6.7...
SQL valias with sieve solution for qmail. New features and Roundcube plugin
Changelog Jan 10, 2024- fixed a bug in vpopmail which was preventing the correct auto creation of the valias table in MySQL Nov 5, 2023-bug fix: vpopmail defaultdelivery patch: it won't create the .qmail file in case control/defaultdelivery already has vdelivermail, in order...