
February 9, 2025 by Roberto Puzzanghera 21 comments

ezmlm is an easy-to-use, high-speed mailing list manager for qmail. ezmlm-idx is an extension of the original ezmlm software of D.J. Bernstein.

Since version 7.2.0 ezml-idx is able to alter the From: address in messages from domains with strict SPF policies as announced here http://lists.untroubled.org/?list=ezmlm&cmd=showmsg&msgnum=14238. This will solve DMARC reject problems with users having yahoo or AOL addresses. Some changes were made in 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 to improve the process (read here http://lists.untroubled.org/?list=ezmlm&cmd=showmsg&msgnum=14256).


wget -O ezmlm-idx-7.2.2.tar.gz https://untroubled.org/ezmlm/archive/7.2.2/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2.tar.gz
tar xzf ezmlm-idx-7.2.2.tar.gz
cd ezmlm-idx-7.2.2
chown -R root:root .
cd lang
ln -s en_US default
cd ..
make man


# ./ezmlm-test

getconfopt library:   OK
ezmlm-make:           OK
Using subdb plugin:   std
ezmlm-reject:         OK
ezmlm-[un|is]sub[n]:  OK
ezmlm-checksub:       OK
ezmlm-send:           OK
ezmlm-tstdig:         OK
ezmlm-weed:           OK
ezmlmrc contents:     OK
ezmlm-clean:          OK
ezmlm-store:          OK
ezmlm-return:         OK
ezmlm-warn (1/2):     OK
ezmlm-manage (1/2):   OK
ezmlm-request:        OK
ezmlm-split:          OK
ezmlm-gate:           OK
ezmlm-idx:            OK
ezmlm-get (index):    OK
ezmlm-get (get):      OK
ezmlm-get (thread):   OK
ezmlm-get (digest):   OK
ezmlm-manage (2/2):   OK
ezmlm-moderate:       OK
ezmlm-warn (2/2):     OK
ezmlm-archive:        OK
ezmlm-dispatch:       OK                                                                                                                    
dispatch editor:      OK                                                                                                                    
decode sender:        OK                                                                                                                    
Verifying message header and body contents...                                                                                               
flags:                OK                                                                                                                    
substitutions:        OK                                                                                                                    
messages:             OK                                                                                                                    
subscribe nop:        OK                                                                                                                    
unsubscribe nop:      OK                                                                                                                    
subscribe probe:      OK                                                                                                                    
unsubscribe probe:    OK
subscribe:            OK
unsubscribe:          OK
moderated subscribe:  OK
moderated unsub:      OK
subscribe by mod:     OK
unsubscribe by mod:   OK
copylines:            OK
ezmlm-send:           OK
ezmlm-send trailer:   OK
omitbottom (-manage): OK
omitbottom (-get):    OK
Cleaning up...


make install

Install mysql support

NB: I'm not using the sql support anymore, so the following section is not updated. I leave here my old notes on how to setup mysql for ezmlm-idx for future reference.

The main advantages are that you are using an address database system that can easily be accessed from any number of other programs via ODBC, perl, java, PHP, ... You can easily hook up ezmlm with your customer database, etc. ezmlm programs compiled with SQL support (and when available also those compiled with support for other SQL servers) are entirely backwards compatible. You can mix SQL dbs with normal ezmlm dbs, and convert lists between them.

Unfortunately the mysql support is not working here. When I create a list with mysql support via qmailadmin the database is not populated and I get an error like this in the qmail-send log:

@400000005364eb332209c884 delivery 2761: deferral: ezmlm-checksub:_fatal:_Could_not_load_plugin_/usr/local/lib/ezmlm/sub- is the IP of mysql host. The program is looking for sub- instead of sub-mysql.so.

Create the database

# mysql -u root -p

CREATE USER 'ezmlm'@'[mailserver-IP]' IDENTIFIED BY '[ezmlm-password]';

GRANT USAGE ON * . * TO 'ezmlm'@'[mailserver-IP]' IDENTIFIED BY '[ezmlm-password]' WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 0

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `ezmlm` . * TO 'ezmlm'@'[mailserver-IP]';

If you have mysql installed in a non standard path (default prefix is /usr), you may have to adjust some conf files, and also to patch the source. I have mysql under /usr/local/mysql and here is what I have modified:

# nano conf-cc
gcc -O -g -I/usr/local/mysql/include

# nano conf-ld
cc -g -rdynamic -B /usr/local/mysql/lib

At this point I faced some compilation breaks, maybe because I have mysql in /usr/local/mysql. I solved applying the following patch:

diff -ruN ezmlm-idx-7.2.0/sub-mysql.c ezmlm-idx-7.2.0-patched/sub-mysql.c
--- ezmlm-idx-7.2.0/sub-mysql.c 2014-05-03 00:07:29.000000000 +0200
+++ ezmlm-idx-7.2.0-patched/sub-mysql.c 2014-05-03 14:53:43.000000000 +0200
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #include "subdb.h"
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <mysql.h>
-#include <mysql/errmsg.h>
+#include <errmsg.h>
 #include <mysqld_error.h>
 static stralloc line = {0};


make mysql


# ./ezmlm-test -s mysql -u ezmlm -p [ezmlm-password] -h [mailserver-IP]

getconfopt library:   OK
ezmlm-make:           OK
Using subdb plugin:   mysql
ezmlm-reject:         OK
ezmlm-[un|is]sub[n]:  OK
ezmlm-checksub:       OK
ezmlm non-SQL:        OK
ezmlm SQL:            OK
ezmlm-send:           OK
ezmlm-tstdig:         OK
ezmlm-weed:           OK
ezmlmrc contents:     OK
ezmlm-clean:          OK
ezmlm-store:          OK
ezmlm-return:         OK
ezmlm-warn (1/2):     OK
ezmlm-manage (1/2):   OK
ezmlm-request:        OK
ezmlm-split:          OK
ezmlm-gate:           OK
ezmlm-idx:            OK
ezmlm-get (index):    OK
ezmlm-get (get):      OK
ezmlm-get (thread):   OK
ezmlm-get (digest):   OK
ezmlm-manage (2/2):   OK
ezmlm-moderate:       OK
ezmlm-warn (2/2):     OK
ezmlm-archive:        OK
ezmlm-dispatch:       OK
dispatch editor:      OK
decode sender:        OK
Verifying message header and body contents...
flags:                OK
substitutions:        OK
subscribe nop:        OK
unsubscribe nop:      OK
subscribe probe:      OK
unsubscribe probe:    OK
subscribe:            OK
unsubscribe:          OK
moderated subscribe:  OK
moderated unsub:      OK
subscribe by mod:     OK
unsubscribe by mod:   OK
copylines:            OK
ezmlm-send:           OK
ezmlm-send trailer:   OK
omitbottom (-manage): OK
omitbottom (-get):    OK
Cleaning up...

Now you are ready to install:

make install


Ezmlm with ##L@##H posibilities

So for the past 24 years I have been running a qmail+ezmlm subscription service for Bible-in-a-Year and devotionals.

Not sure if it was a patch or what but I could add a "#" to "Precedence: bulk" in the headeradd file and then reference the subscriber's email address as "##L@##H" that was added when the individual emails were sent out.  This way I could add a link for them to unsubscribe without them having to enter their email address.  I know that as of ezmlm-idx-40-0.40 this was possible.  Have you heard of this feature and if so, was it removed or is there a way to activate it again in your latest version?

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Ezmlm with ##L@##H posibilities

Hi Jeffrey,

I haven't used ezmlm in recent times and in fact I switched to mailman for a big project in 2024. ezmlm-idx is the only package of the qmail chain whose author should be still in charge for the continuation of the project, even though it's not updated since a long time. This is the reason why I haven't had a look at it in detail. Also I don't think that old versions of ezmlm would compile with recent gcc or clang.

Anyway a quick google seems to suggest that what you are looking for is still possible in ezmlm-idx. Have a look here https://untroubled.org/ezmlm/manual/Adding-Headers.html

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Ezmlm with ##L@##H posibilities

Thanks for the quick response.  Will contact someone there.

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download link error


The link for download http://ezmlm.untroubled.org/archive/7.2.2/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2.tar.gz is broken. Do you have the source, please?

Thank you


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download link error

Hi Roberto, thank you for replying!

Do you know about this error?

# ./ezmlm-test
getconfopt library: OK
ezmlm-make: OK
Using subdb plugin: std
ezmlm-reject: OK
ezmlm-[un|is]sub[n]: OK
ezmlm-checksub: OK
ezmlm-send: OK
ezmlm-tstdig: OK
ezmlm-weed: OK
ezmlmrc contents: OK
ezmlm-clean: OK
ezmlm-store: OK
ezmlm-return: OK
ezmlm-warn (1/2): OK
ezmlm-manage (1/2): OK
ezmlm-request: OK
ezmlm-split: OK
ezmlm-gate: OK
ezmlm-idx: OK
ezmlm-get (index): OK
ezmlm-get (get): OK
ezmlm-get (thread): OK
ezmlm-get (digest): OK
ezmlm-manage (2/2): OK
ezmlm-moderate: OK
ezmlm-warn (2/2): OK
ezmlm-archive: OK
ezmlm-dispatch: OK
dispatch editor: Error delivering confirmed post

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download link error

I've never seen it. Tomorrow I'll try to find information in the code

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download link error

I had a look at the code, but i'ts not so easy to understand what's going on with that error... I'm sorry

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download link error

Hi Roberto, thank you for replying.

I'm trying to compile in rocky linux 9.
I'll try in rocky linux 8.


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How do I add List-Unsubscribe header to email?


Recently I come across the email reputation "Your message does not contain a List-Unsubscribe header".

How do I add the "List-Unsubscribe" into the email's header?

If found from https://mailtrap.io/blog/list-unsubscribe-header/

There is not qmail implementation method.


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How do I add List-Unsubscribe header to email?

Hi, which mailing list program are you using? ezmlm-idx already has this feature...

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I get stuck on ezml-test


After compiling everything I get stuck in ezml-test

Testing with and without sql I get the same result after a while

Coud be some problem with the domain used for test (example.com), because I have a lot of filter on who can sent mail from the server where I'm doing the test ?

ezmlm-archive: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
failed after "num" was restored

I created the DB and I see that there is a lot of tables on it now


Do I have to create a file with the connection parameters some where ?

Is very confusing this point

I think if I don't put anywhere user/pass/db there is no way that the program can conect to the db :D

One more thing I don't understand very well is if all the domains use the same DB to store the lists info, or I can give a different DB to every domain ?

I'm very LOST !!!!

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I get stuck on ezml-test

I haven't used it in a long time and I honestly don't remember much anymore. To troubleshoot your breaks I would look at strace in the following way

strace -o test.log ./ezmlm-test

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I get stuck on ezml-test

Finally I do a trace ( truss ) on FreeBSD, but I don't know what is happening

I don't have time tu debug, so, I will use it without mysqlcry

stat("/var/ports/usr/ports/mail/ezmlm-idx/work/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2/__TSTDIR/num",0x7fffffffe6c8) ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
stat("/var/ports/usr/ports/mail/ezmlm-idx/work/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2/__TSTDIR/archive/authors",0x7fffffffe6c8) ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
stat("/var/ports/usr/ports/mail/ezmlm-idx/work/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2/__TSTDIR/archive/lock",0x7fffffffe6a8) ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
stat("/var/ports/usr/ports/mail/ezmlm-idx/work/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2/__TSTDIR/archive/subjects",0x7fffffffe688) ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
stat("/var/ports/usr/ports/mail/ezmlm-idx/work/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2/__TSTDIR/archive/threads",0x7fffffffe668) ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
stat("/var/ports/usr/ports/mail/ezmlm-idx/work/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2/__TSTDIR/archnum",0x7fffffffe648) ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
vfork() = 88390 (0x15946)
wait4(-1,{ EXITED,val=0 },0x0,0x0) = 88390 (0x15946)
fork() = 88391 (0x15947)
wait4(-1,{ SIGNALED,sig=SIGSEGV,cored },0x0,0x0) = 88391 (0x15947)
stat("/usr/share/nls/C/libc.cat",0x7fffffffe1c8) ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
stat("/usr/share/nls/libc/C",0x7fffffffe1c8) ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
stat("/usr/local/share/nls/C/libc.cat",0x7fffffffe1c8) ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
stat("/usr/local/share/nls/libc/C",0x7fffffffe1c8) ERR#2 'No such file or directory'
write(2,"Segmentation fault (core dumped)"...,33) = 33 (0x21)
fcntl(1,F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC,0xa) = 11 (0xb)
dup2(2,1) = 1 (0x1)
write(1,"failed after "num" was restored"...,32) = 32 (0x20)
dup2(11,1) = 1 (0x1)
close(11) = 0 (0x0)
process exit, rval = 100

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compiling ezmlm-idx

also after make

must be added:

make mysql

it do not makes it by default

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compiling ezmlm-idx

yes, as you can see above this is explained later. The mysql installation is described separately

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compile ezmlm-idx

just before make u must create a file describing your mysql installation path


In my case it contains:


else plugin-mysql will not be compiled

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compile ezmlm-idx

as described above, the mysql installation path is declared inside conf-cc and conf-ld

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FreeBSD 10.3 Install fail -help?

./ezmlm-test -s mysql -u ezmlm -p [ezmlm-password] -h [mailserver-IP]

getconfopt library:   OK
ezmlm-make:           OK
Using subdb plugin:   mysql
ezmlm-make: fatal: Could not load plugin /package/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2/sub-mysql.so: Cannot open "/package/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2/sub-mysql.so"
ezmlm-make failed to add subdb config info

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Hopefully someone else can be

Hopefully someone else can be of any help, as I can't do tests on freeBSD

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ezmlm strange error

Hi guyst,

new day, new strange error :-)

from /var/log/qmail/qmail/current:

delivery 152: deferral: ezmlm-send:_fatal:_error_fetching_DNS_record_for_mxtoolbox.com:_temporary_failure/

I have been receiving mail from mxtoolbox without problems for years, but they might have changed something; anyway, the recipient is a mailing list (all subscribers are local users), the mail is stuck in the queue and it is not delivered; I googled for this ezmlm-idx error with no luck, and I really do not understand why ezmlm-send should be doing a DNS lookup on the sender address...

thank you !

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