
Roundcube plugins

Official repository: Changelog Mar 23, 2025- the password plugin's vpopmaild driver is working again, as vpopmaild has been patched on vpopmail side (v. 5.6.7 and onwards).   My enabled plugins are (at the moment): Password, to change the user's password qmailforward, replaces the managesieve forward in...

Sieve interpreter & Dovecot ManageSieve

The Pigeonhole project provides Sieve support as a plugin for Dovecot's Local Delivery Agent (LDA) and also for its LMTP service. The plugin implements a Sieve interpreter, which filters incoming messages using a script specified in the Sieve language. The Sieve...

SQL valias with sieve solution for qmail. New features and Roundcube plugin

Changelog Jan 10, 2024- fixed a bug in vpopmail which was preventing the correct auto creation of the valias table in MySQL Nov 5, 2023-bug fix: vpopmail defaultdelivery patch: it won't create the .qmail file in case control/defaultdelivery already has vdelivermail, in order...