
Dovecot's vpopmail-auth driver patch

Download the patch Ali Erturk TURKER is maintaining a patch which restores to life the vpopmail-auth driver for Dovecot (more info here). Patch and configure as follows. Be aware that an autoreconf must be provided, as the has been modifed. patch -p1 <...

Dovecot vpopmail-auth driver removal. Migrating to the SQL driver

Those who are still using the Dovecot's vpopmail auth driver should consider a migration to another backend, as on January 4, 2021 dovecot-2.3.13 was released and the vpopmail auth driver removed (more info here). I'll show below how to support domain aliases...

Slackware guest on Linux-VServer

This documentation on Linux-Vserver for Slackware is no longer mantained, as I switched to LXC. If you plan to do the same, have a look to my notes regarding the migration to LXC and my LXC series of articles. Info: (the...

Running OpenBoard in a window

Edit: this patch has been merged into OpenBoard 1.7.0, so this issue is closed. OpenBoard home page Download my patch Github Github discussion Slackbuild (Slackware users) These days I'm forced again to do lessons from remote. My school asked me to refer to Google Meet for the...