Install spamassassin
v. 4
plugin requires Mail::DMARC::PurePerl
, while DecodeShortURLs
requires DBD::SQLite
(or DBD::MariaDB
or DBD::mysql
), so it's better to install them before the upgrade:
cpan notest install Mail::DMARC::PurePerl DBD::SQLite
Stop qmail
and spamd
and then upgrade spamassassin
, run sa-update
and restart the services:
qmailctl stop spamdctl stop cpan notest install Mail::SpamAssassin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2 sa-update spamdctl start qmailctl start
Load the new plugins
Load all plugins commented out in /etc/mail/spamassassin/v400.pre. Then add your config to your
- Thanks to Gabriel Torres for reviewing and correcting this section
The purpose of the ExtractText
plugin is to, when enabled, convert attachments (including images, byt the use of an OCR)
into plain text in order to SpamAssassin
to apply its rules to this text. So if we receive doc/pdf/images with spammy text in them, SpamAssassin
will now be able to safely mark the email as spam.
In order to do that, we need to have installed some external programs in our server. The configuration lines added to have to load these programs to scan each message attachment.
Install the required external programs. Debian
users can do as follows:
apt-get install antiword apt-get install docx2txt apt-get install unrtf apt-get install odt2txt apt-get install tesseract-ocr apt-get install poppler-utils
Add the following lines to the file:
ifplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ExtractText extracttext_external pdftotext /usr/bin/pdftotext -nopgbrk -layout -enc UTF-8 {} - extracttext_use pdftotext .pdf application/pdf # extracttext_external docx2txt /usr/bin/docx2txt {} - extracttext_use docx2txt .docx application/docx extracttext_external antiword /usr/bin/antiword -t -w 0 -m UTF-8.txt {} extracttext_use antiword .doc application/(?:vnd\.?)?ms-?word.* extracttext_external unrtf /usr/bin/unrtf --nopict {} extracttext_use unrtf .doc .rtf application/rtf text/rtf extracttext_external odt2txt /usr/bin/odt2txt --encoding=UTF-8 {} extracttext_use odt2txt .odt .ott application/.*?opendocument.*text extracttext_use odt2txt .sdw .stw application/(?:x-)?soffice application/(?:x-)?starwriter extracttext_external tesseract {OMP_THREAD_LIMIT=1} /usr/bin/tesseract -c page_separator= {} - extracttext_use tesseract .jpg .png .bmp .tif .tiff image/(?:jpeg|png|x-ms-bmp|tiff) add_header all ExtractText-Flags _EXTRACTTEXTFLAGS_ #header PDF_NO_TEXT X-ExtractText-Flags =~ /\bNoText\b/ #describe PDF_NO_TEXT PDF without text #score PDF_NO_TEXT 0.2 #header DOC_NO_TEXT X-ExtractText-Flags =~ /\bNoText\b/ #describe DOC_NO_TEXT Document without text #score DOC_NO_TEXT 0.2 #header EXTRACTTEXT exists:X-ExtractText-Flags #describe EXTRACTTEXT Email processed by extracttext plugin #score EXTRACTTEXT 0.001 endif
You can see three rules commented out. You can safely leave them commented out or enable them for debug purposes. The EXTRACTTEXT
rule is just to have proof that the plugin is active. PDF_NO_TEXT
will be hit in case of an empty document in attach. You will have an header like this when these two rules have been hit:
X-Spam-ExtractText-Flags: NoText
Update the RC's sauserprefs
Update your johndoh/roundcube-sauserprefs
plugin by downloading it from github, as the v. 1.20.1 version is not yet available as a composer
installable plugin.
cd /var/www/roundcube/htdocs/plugins wget tar xzf 1.20.1.tar.gz mv roundcube-sauserprefs-1.20.1/ sauserprefs cd sauserprefs mv
Setup MySQL
login. Then turn this flag to true
to gain spamassassin
v.4 compatibility:
$config['sauserprefs_sav4'] = true;
All rules, functions, command line options and modules that contain "whitelist" or "blacklist" have been renamed to contain more racially neutral "welcomelist" and "blocklist" terms. So we have to update our sauserprefs
DB records. Use this php
scriplet from command line to do the job, after adjusting your mysql
cat > sauserprefs_blocklist_welcomelist.php << __EOF__ #!/usr/bin/php <?php /************************************************************************************************ Finds and replaces deprecated strings blacklist_from/whitelist_from in spamassassin.userpref db table to blocklist_from/welcomelist_from respectively. ************************************************************************************************/ \$host = "localhost"; \$database = "spamassassin"; \$user = "spamassassin"; \$password = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; \$link = mysqli_connect(\$host, \$user, \$password, \$database) or die("Unable to connect to MySQL"); \$query ="UPDATE userpref SET preference = REPLACE(REPLACE(preference, 'whitelist_from', 'welcomelist_from'), 'blacklist_from', 'blocklist_from')"; mysqli_query(\$link, \$query) or die(mysqli_error(\$link)); print "job done\n"; __EOF__ chmod +x sauserprefs_blocklist_welcomelist.php ./sauserprefs_blocklist_welcomelist.php
Anyone try this on RHEL or related? (Almalinux, etc.)
Bob November 9, 2023 10:25 CET
The subject is pretty much the question.
The EPEL repos are still at 3.4, so I'm wondering if I should go ahead with these instructions or wait for the repos to update. 4.0 has been out for a year already...
Separately, if I pull the trigger, is there a way to revert back?
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Anyone try this on RHEL or related? (Almalinux, etc.)
Roberto Puzzanghera Bob November 9, 2023 10:52 CET
I've never done the revert back. In case you want to revert I suggest to use the manual installation to overwrite the current installation, as the path of the RHEL package may be different.
Of course a test server would be best in such cases
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Two small typos in the SpamAssassin 4.0.0 migration tutorial
Gabriel Torres June 20, 2023 23:11 CET
should read:
Should read:
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Two small typos in the SpamAssassin 4.0.0 migration tutorial
Roberto Puzzanghera Gabriel Torres June 21, 2023 08:20 CET
Thank you. Corrected
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