If you want to avoid the risk of compromising your server because of accounts who are sending messages indiscriminately to the world, due to the fact that their password have been violated in some way, then you can consider Luca Franceschini's rcptcheck-overlimit.sh script, which has to be used in conjunction with the rcptcheck patch (a patch derived by Luca himself from an original work of Jay Soffian).
Since in 2016 Luca has decided to merge his combo with my big patch, he is giving his personal contribution to it. He fixed many bugs and added new important features. The script shared here is just the last one and it's quite surprising (at least for me) to observe how many things are performed putting together just 20 lines.
- thanks to Luca Franceschini (Digitalmind)
- version 2017-08-23
- rcptcheck patch
- rcptcheck-overlimit.sh
How it works
What follows is a cut&paste of the notes that you can read in the header of the script.
This script limits the number of emails sent by relayclients (authusers or ip with RELAYCLIENT
in tcprules). You must define the variable RCPTCHECK=/var/qmail/bin/rcptcheck-overlimit.sh
This script will be called for every accepted rcptto
is not defined the script terminates with the exit code 112 (ignore/accept). Messages sent to domains in rcpthosts will NOT be accounted for.
For every accepted rcptto
defined, a char 'X' will be appended to a file in the directory $OVERLIMITDIR
; this file name will be the authuser, if defined, or the client ip address.
The script will look for an entry corresponding to the client (authuser or ip) in $LIMITSCONTROLFILE
and use the number found as the maximum number of allowed outgoing emails.
is not writable by the user running qmail-smtpd
cannot be read, the script terminates with 112 (ignore/accept). In case of overlimit, an exit code 113 (reject/overlimit) will be returned to qmail-smtpd
and the connection will be dropped with a 421. $LIMITSCONTROLFILE
can contain comments, '0' means unlimited, the entry starting with ':' will be considered the default limit.
If the default entry can't be found, the default will be set to unlimited. In case more lines match the client name, only the last will be used.
A cronjob must be created to periodically cleanup files in $OVERLIMITDIR
: to use daily limits, schedule the job once a day:
0 3 * * * find /var/qmail/overlimit/ -type f -exec rm -f "{}" \; 1> /dev/null
:1000 test@example.com:0
Download as follows
wget -O /var/qmail/bin/rcptcheck-overlimit.sh https://notes.sagredo.eu/files/qmail/patches/rcptcheck/rcptcheck-overlimit.sh chmod +x /var/qmail/bin/rcptcheck-overlimit.sh
directory that will store the informations about the number of messages sent by each IP/auth-user, and assign it full priviledges to the user who runs qmail-smtpd
in our case):
mkdir /var/qmail/overlimit chown -R vpopmail.vchkpw /var/qmail/overlimit chmod -R 755 /var/qmail/overlimit
create the relaylimits
control file and adjust it to your needs according to the instructions above
cat > /var/qmail/control/relaylimits << __EOF__ :1000 __EOF__
Modify your qmail-smtpd/run and qmail-submission/run scripts
export RCPTCHECK=/var/qmail/bin/rcptcheck-overlimit.sh export RCPTCHECKRELAYCLIENT="1"
Set up a cronjob to periodically cleanup the files in $OVERLIMITDIR
, for example:
cat >> /etc/cron.d/qmail << EOF # overlimit 0 3 * * * find /var/qmail/overlimit/ -type f -exec rm -f "{}" \; 1> /dev/null EOF
And of course remember to restart qmail
Allow whole domain
Shah Imran June 30, 2024 07:04 CET
Thanks for nice piece of software. How can I limit messages on domain basis?
For example
is it possible?
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Allow whole domain
Roberto Puzzanghera Shah Imran June 30, 2024 11:59 CET
I didn't wrote that code myself, but according to my tests wildcards are not allowed. You can limit a specific domain as follows
but you have to enable the line 56 on rcptcheck-overlimit.sh:
I don't remember why it is commented out
Let me know if it works for you.
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Allow whole domain
Shah Imran Roberto Puzzanghera July 1, 2024 06:26 CET
Thanks for your reply. I'm testing the configuration and update you the result soon.
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rcptcheck-relaylimit known bug fix
Tony Fung October 7, 2020 06:35 CET
Hi Roberto,
Regarding to the known bug, I modified line 55 in "rcptcheck-overlimit.sh" as underneath and works well on CentOs 8.2:
After that, "info@example.com" does not match "testinfo@example.com". Hope this can help.
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rcptcheck-relaylimit known bug fix
Roberto Puzzanghera Tony Fung August 22, 2021 10:35 CET
Tony, I hope you can read this.
The above modification is not distinguishing users belonging to same domain here...
I'm restoring the original version for the time being.
For anyone interested in doing tests this is the modified version and this is the original script by Luca Franceschini
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rcptcheck-relaylimit known bug fix
Roberto Puzzanghera Tony Fung October 8, 2020 16:21 CET
Great! Thank you
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Dash in relaylimits
Clemens May 2, 2019 11:39 CET
At the moment, the users listed in /var/qmail/control/relaylimits are without the dash(es) in user and domain part, because the script trims them away:
I think the dash-char has to be escaped in the script to keep the dash-char, because the dash-char is used to define character-ranges (http://linuxcommand.org/lc3_man_pages/tr1.html)
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Dash in relaylimits
Roberto Puzzanghera Clemens May 6, 2019 17:43 CET
Corrected. Thanks for the contribution
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usage report
Sam Tang January 19, 2019 02:02 CET
Thanks for your information, I would like to share a tips for usage report.
Add this to crontab:
change the email "you@youremail.com" to your email address, then everynight will send an email report to administrator.
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usage report
Roberto Puzzanghera Sam Tang January 19, 2019 08:12 CET
Thank you. I'll check it out.
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rcptcheck with starttls
Ryan November 30, 2018 00:12 CET
Hi there,
Always thankful for this great documentation.
Rencently I found this rcptcheck patch and tried to apply my mail server.
Everything looks fine without any error during patching and compiling.
But once it's applied, starttls doesn't work with this new patch.(I used combined patch, not this patch separately.- the combined patch is also containing this rcptcheck, right?)
qmail-smtpd and qmail-submission (I'm using it as qmail-smtpd-ssl) are actually running.
But if I try to access with starttls it's not accessbie like below.(nothing shows after "CONNECTED").
So, I had to rolled back to the old patch...
Do you have any idea?
Thanks in advance.
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rcptcheck with starttls
Roberto Puzzanghera Ryan November 30, 2018 13:13 CET
How did you configured submission as qmail-smtpd-ssl?
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rcptcheck with starttls
Ryan Roberto Puzzanghera December 2, 2018 19:43 CET
Hi Roberto,
This is the run file of qmail-smtp-ssl.
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rcptcheck with starttls
Roberto Puzzanghera Ryan December 3, 2018 20:27 CET
Honestly I don't know what might be the cause... I also tried to configure qmail-submission as qmail-smtpd-ssl and it works here...
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