
smtp-auth + qmail-tls + forcetls patch for qmail

github Patch applied (MD5) Version: 2024.01.15 Changelog Jan 15, 2024- TLS patch by F. Vermeulen upgraded to version 20231230 (more info at https://inoa.net/qmail-tls/ tx Greg Bell for the patch)* support to openssl 3.0.11 Mar 12, 2023- The mail headers will change from "ESMTPA" to "ESMTPSA" when the...

Realtime Block List (RBL) - qmail-dnsbl

A Realtime Block List (RBL) is a list of addresses that an RBL list supplier believes are a source of Spam. Update as of Oct 28, 2022: added a note on how to avoid being cutoff by spamhaus (tx Marco Varanda) Download qmail-dnsbl patch Code...

Playing with qmail-spp

qmail-spp provides plug-in support for qmail-smtpd. It allows you to write external programs and use them to check SMTP command argument validity. The plug-in can trigger several actions, like denying a command with an error message, logging data, adding a header...

Adding clamav-unofficial-sigs

More info here Version: 7.2.5 The clamav-unofficial-sigs script provides a simple way to download, test, and update third-party signature databases provided by Sanesecurity, FOXHOLE, OITC, Scamnailer, BOFHLAND, CRDF, Porcupine, Securiteinfo, MalwarePatrol, Yara-Rules Project, urlhaus, etc. The script will also generate and install cron,...