clearopensmtp - remove old IP's added after pop authentication
vpopmail can be configured to allow pop users IP's to be added to the
list of IP's which are allowed to relay through the smtp server. This
is done with the --enable-roaming-users=y option. With this option,
users IP's who authenitcate via pop are added to the list of IP's which
can relay through the smtp server. The smtp server must be run with
tcpserver -x filename option.
Each authenticated pop users IP is added with a time stamp. Every time
clearopensmtp is run, this list is checked for time stamps which are
older than the --enable-relay-clear-minutes option. The default is
360 minutes or 3 hours. Any IP with a time stamp older than this number
are removed from the list.
clearopenstmp rebuilds the tcp.smtp.cdb file with the list of static
IP's stored in tcp.smtp and the list of IP's in open-smtp.
0 if all steps were successful, non-zero otherwise.
This program is only required when vpopmail is configured with
--enable-roaming-users=y. It should be run from roots crontab ever hour.