#!/bin/bash # rcptcheck-overlimit v0.3 # Digitalmind 2017-08-23 # This script limits the number of emails sent by relayclients (authusers or ip with RELAYCLIENT in tcprules) # You must define the variable RCPTCHECK=/var/qmail/bin/rcptcheck-overlimit.sh AND RCPTCHECKRELAYCLIENT="1" # This script will be called for every accepted rcptto. # If RELAYCLIENT is not defined the script terminates with the exit code 112 (ignore/accept). # Messages sent to domains in rcpthosts will NOT be accounted for. # For every accepted rcptto with RELAYCLIENT defined, a char 'X' will be appended to a file in the directory $OVERLIMITDIR; # this file name will be the authuser, if defined, or the client ip address. # The script will look for an entry corresponding to the client (authuser or ip) in $LIMITSCONTROLFILE and use the number found # as the maximum number of allowed outgoing emails. # If the OVERLIMITDIR is not writable by the user running qmail-smtpd or the LIMITSCONTROLFILE cannot be read, the script terminates with 112 (ignore/accept). # In case of overlimit, an exit code 113 (reject/overlimit) will be returned to qmail-smtpd and the connection will be dropped with a 421. # $LIMITSCONTROLFILEFILE can contain comments, '0' means unlimited, the entry starting with ':' will be considered the default limit. # If the default entry can't be found, the default will be set to unlimited. # In case more lines match the client name, only the last will be used. # A cronjob must be created to periodically cleanup files in $OVERLIMITDIR: to use daily limits, schedule the job once a day. # # Cronjob example: # # find /var/qmail/overlimit/ -type f -exec rm -f "{}" \; # # $LIMITSCONTROLFILE example: # ----- #:1000 # #test@example.com:0 # ----- # Known bugs: # - the line 'info@example.com:1000' also matches the client name 'testinfo@example.com'. EXITIGNORE=112 EXITOVERLIMIT=113 LIMITSCONTROLFILE=/var/qmail/control/relaylimits OVERLIMITDIR=/var/qmail/overlimit DEBUGLOG=/var/log/overlimit/debug.log if [ -z "${RELAYCLIENT+x}" ]; then exit $EXITIGNORE; fi if [ ! -r "$LIMITSCONTROLFILE" ]; then exit $EXITIGNORE; fi if [ ! -w "$OVERLIMITDIR" ]; then exit $EXITIGNORE; fi # Read config file removing comments, blank lines, spaces and tabs PREFILTER="sed -e 's/#.*$//g' -e '/^$/d' -e 's/[ \t]*//g' $LIMITSCONTROLFILE" # SMTPAUTHUSER should be already validated, but just to be safe leave only alphanum, -.', '_', '-' and '@' FILTEREDSMTPAUTHUSER=$(echo "$SMTPAUTHUSER" | tr -cd '[:alnum:].-_@') if [ -n "${RCPTHOSTS}" ]; then logger -t qmail-overlimit -p mail.info "RELAYCLIENT and RCPTHOSTS: mailfrom=$SENDER rcptto=$RECIPIENT authuser=${FILTEREDAUTHUSER} remoteip=${TCPREMOTEIP}" exit $EXITIGNORE fi if [ -n "${FILTEREDSMTPAUTHUSER}" ]; then value=$(eval ${PREFILTER} | grep -Fi "$FILTEREDSMTPAUTHUSER:" | tail -1); limit="${value##*:}" # specific authuser ##if [ -z "${limit}" ]; then value=$(eval ${PREFILTER} | grep -Fi "${FILTEREDSMTPAUTHUSER##*@}:" | tail -1); limit="${value##*:}"; fi # domain part client="${FILTEREDSMTPAUTHUSER}" else value=$(eval ${PREFILTER} | grep -Fi "$TCPREMOTEIP:" | tail -1); limit="${value##*:}" # specific ip address client="${TCPREMOTEIP}" fi if [ -z "${limit}" ]; then value=$(eval ${PREFILTER} | grep "^:" | tail -1); limit="${value##*:}"; fi # default ':value' if [ -z "${limit}" ]; then limit=0; fi # if nothing else currentnum=$(stat -c%s $OVERLIMITDIR/$client 2>/dev/null) if [ -z "$currentnum" ]; then currentnum=1; fi logger -t qmail-overlimit -p mail.info "client=$client limit=$limit current=$currentnum" if [ "$currentnum" -gt "$limit" ] && [ "$limit" -ne "0" ]; then logger -t qmail-overlimit -p mail.info "REJECTED $client " exit $EXITOVERLIMIT else echo -n "X" >> "$OVERLIMITDIR/$client" 2>/dev/null fi exit $EXITIGNORE